Returning to work after the festive holidays can be hard. For many people, it means a simple return to work. However for some, it’s a wake-up call and something has to change but they don’t know what needs to change nor how to change ?
Career Coaching supports career decision-making by helping clients answer the questions of “what” and “how” to create change. You cannot find an answer on “how” to change careers without first understanding “what” requires change and more importantly “why”?
Career decision-making is a thought process that occurs multiple times throughout your career. Like most processes, you begin with the input and carry out steps to arrive at your output. With the career decision-making process, the input is data about yourself (self-awareness) and the world of work (opportunity awareness). Using this input, you can take steps to explore and evaluate your data. These steps provide a better understanding of the career option(s) better suited to your needs. Now, you’re in a more informed and confident position to decide (output).
Having worked through the career decision-making process to arrive at a decision, you are ready to address the question of “how”? An action plan begins to form, including tasks that help achieve your desired change.
Career Coaching helps clients find clarity regarding career direction and restores their hope-filled purpose via this process of career decision-making. We will look at this process in more depth in future posts.
If you’re interested in Career Coaching, please don’t hesitate to connect.