S.M.A.R.T. Services
We use S.M.A.R.T. to describe our Coaching Services in a more relevant and meaningful way:
- S olution Focused
- M ethodology Driven
- A ction Oriented
- R eality Based
- T rusted Partnership

Structured Strategies
The use of an industry-recognised, evidence-based framework with career methodologies will provide you with structured problem-solving, decision-making and career planning that is specifically tailored for your situation.

Tailored Solutions
Practical strategies are offered in all Coaching Services, tailored to your situation and needs. We aim to add value to career decision-making and problem solving in very real and practical ways so that you leave your consultation with ideas, options and plans that deliver solutions, alongside hope, motivation and confidence.
If you have a question, please check Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for answers.

Career Coaching Outcomes
- An awareness of your personality type, strengths, areas of improvement, interests, transferable skills and values,
- A listing of career options suited to your personality type and career interests (optional),
- An understanding of the evaluation process required to consider your career options and make an informed decision,
- Action plans to guide you through the decision-making process,
- Course selection assistance, and
- Strategies on how to transition once your career decision is made.

Management Coaching Outcomes
- ALL Career Coaching Outcomes (listed above), PLUS
- An understanding of the strengths, transferable skills and interests arising from management experience,
- An understanding of the traditional career options for management and less traditional career transitions,
- An understanding of the support mechanisms required to progress/promote a management career,
- Post-graduate course selection assistance (if required),
- An Action Plan detailing career-related tasks for the immediate/short, medium and long-term future.

Small Business Coaching Outcomes
- ALL Career Coaching Outcomes (listed above), PLUS
- An understanding of the personality type, strengths and skills required to be a successful entrepreneur or small business owner,
- The evaluation of career options – Employment versus Self-Employment? What factors are considered when making this decision?
- For self-employment, an understanding of the steps required to establish a small business and develop an effective Business Plan.
- Business resources and references for guidance, mentoring and expert advice on business development matters.
- 90-Minute Meeting + Meeting Action Plan + Career Resources
- 90-Minute Meeting + Meeting Action Plan + Career / Management Resources
- 90-Minute Meeting + Meeting Action Plan + Small Business Resources